We are pleased to announce the entry of Dynamico, based in Lugo (RA), into the BGG Group.
Dynamico has developed an innovative and versatile BESS (Battery Energy Storage System) designed to control, simplify, and meet energy needs related to distribution, storage, and consumption, ensuring full environmental sustainability.
Dynamico’s BESS can accumulate, manage, and distribute energy from diverse sources. Additionally, the Dynamico system serves as both an On-Line UPS and a rotary UPS, guaranteeing perfect sinusoidal waveforms and allowing for parallel configurations to maximize flexibility of use.
This means it can power Fast Charger columns or AC columns, leveraging, for example, energy from photovoltaic installations.
With an advanced control and monitoring system, Dynamico protects the network by isolating it from disturbances generated by photovoltaic inverters, asynchronous electric motors, and much more.
In summary, Dynamico’s system is a ‘multipurpose’ solution, providing a concrete response to challenges related to Electrification, Decarbonization, and Stability of distribution networks.
Dynamico’s integration into the Group opens up new perspectives for projects and developments in the pursuit of an increasingly sustainable energy future.