100 Eccellenze Italiane – An event celebrating the best of Italy

In the magnificent Sala della Regina of Palazzo Montecitorio, on 6 December in Rome, we were honoured as History of Excellence” during the 10th edition of the “Premio 100 Eccellenze Italiane”’, an event that celebrates the talent, innovation and stories of personalities, organisations and companies that make our country great.

The ceremony celebrated the protagonists of the 100 Histories of Excellence, awarding symbolic recognition to entities representing key sectors of the economy, culture, science, institutions and the social sphere. These awards testify to the diversity and richness of Italian talent, an expression of a heritage that enhances the country’s value on an international level.

The three winners of the Award of Excellence, selected from the 100 Stories were: Salvatore Luongo, Commander General of the Carabinieri, Leo Gullotta, actor and versatile artist, IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele in Milan received the award for excellence in medical research and healthcare.

The ceremony kicked off with the National Anthem performed by the quintet of the Band of the Guardia di Finanza, followed by the institutional greetings of the Hon. Giorgio Mulè, Vice President of the Chamber of Deputies.

Afterwards, the President of the Liber Association, Verdiana Dell’Anna, the President of the Honour Committee, Tommaso Miele, Deputy President of the Court of Auditors, and the publisher Riccardo Dell’Anna, creator of 100 ECCELLENZE ITALIANE, spoke.

BGG was represented at the event by our CEO Renato Bruno.

This award is a celebration not only of our commitment, but also of the talent and passion of all those who work with us.

We are proud to be part of this great community that holds high the honour of Italy in the world!